Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rubifying the Language

My favorite Scrum Master used the word "uniqify" in a sprint planning call today, as in "Could you uniqify that expression?" I poked him through the instant message tool we have because he had recently taken me to task for using the word "epistemology" in a design session.

It turns out that this is a fairly common pattern in Ruby, as in stringify, uniquify, htmlify, etc.

The rule seems to be that the verb [term]ify means to take the ensuing object of the verb and give it the qualities of the [term].

Of course, this has instances in our day-to-day language, that's where all these types of linguistic manipulations have their origin. To "liquify" is to to make the object like liquid. Its opposite is "solidify." It's very similar to putting "ize" at the end of a term to make a verb--but I sense a subtle difference I haven't yet quite distilled.

As an amateur linguist, I LOVE when a language can do this. Arabic does it on steroids, having a very complex set of patterns that decomposes just about every word down to a tri-literal root. Verb forms take their nuances from the root, as do noun patterns for the doer, the done-to, and the where-done.

English doesn't do it nearly enough. Sure, add and "er" to the end of a verb to get the doer, as in writer, rider, sleeper. Sometimes an "ee" to get the done-to, as in payee. Do we even have a pattern for deriving the noun for where-done from the verb? For example, the Arabic word for school, madresa, comes from a pattern that makes it "the place where studying is made to happen."

HTMLify is my favorite so far. "Can you express this in HTML?" becomes "HTMLify it."

Tonight I'm going to mealify some leftovers. Anyone who thinks that means "reheat" has never seen what I can do for leftovers.

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