Friday, June 06, 2008

STC Summit

The original title was supposed to be "I Rolled Holly Harkness" after I gave Holly my dinner roll at the Honors Banquet, but that seems too indecorous now that I am in a more sober mood (well, actually, now that I am sober). It's not so much the improper innuendo, mind you; it's the use of a noun as a verb that I find most problematic.

I would be just lying through my teeth not to admit what a great time I had at the Honors Banquet being inducted as a Fellow in the society. I can only say that it is a thrill mainly because I hold my fellow STC members in such high regard and consider our profession to be truly important. Barrie Byron was kind enough to send me a picture of my special moment.

The conference was great, Philadelphia was a delight, and I am exhausted after 2 days of board meeting, a leadership day, and three days of conference. Atlanta folks, be sure to attend our next chapter meeting when conference attendees will report on the conference.

I am also proud of how visible the Atlanta chapter was at this year's conference--Robert Armstrong was Track Manager and Coordinator for the Producing and Publishing Information Track, our chapter won a Community of Excellence award, and Al Hood has taken on a significant volunteer role with the Leadership Community Resource. Holly, Robert, and Al attended Leadership Day on Sunday along with our president, Howard Speck, and our 2nd VP, Jen Collier. Margaret Cekis, Holly Harkness, Al Hood, and I were presenters--I'm sure I missed someone in that list, sorry.

AND, we are the host chapter next year and will get cranking up on that real soon.

So I am back home, both exhausted and rejuvenated at the same time. We live in an exciting time where our profession can have a real impact on what's happening in the world and in the marketplace, and where we can have a real impact on our profession. Go STC!

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