Monday, October 08, 2007

Forget Me Not--
So what exactly does "Remember me" mean on a login screen? Obviously not what I think it does, judging by the many login screens on which I check that box and still must give my user ID and password every time. I'm hoping it means I'll get boxes of candy from them on Valentine's day.

You go, podcaster!
A shout out to STC Atlanta chapter's Michelle Schoen for making Intercom as one of the "Top Five Podcasts for Technical Communicators" (page 4 in the Sept/Oct issue).

STC Call for Papers extended
Great news for all you procrastinators. The call for papers for the STC conference in 2008 has been extended to October 19. Why present at a conference?
  • It increases the odds that your management will let you go to the conference. Seriously, it takes away that doubt of "Is this just a boondoggle?" and shows that you are actively engaged in professional development.
  • It helps you clarify your thoughts on a topic and increases your own learning--especially if you are reporting on something you did on the job.
  • It lets you test an early assertion and get feedback on it from peers. A conference paper is a great springboard to a more robust publication.
  • You get to wear a "Speaker" ribbon on your name tag. (Busted! I love getting to wear a Speaker ribbon and I save all of mine.)
  • It makes our professional practice richer to hear from folks who care about technical communication.
Web cast
And speaking about the benefits of doing conferences--I just got an email from Lloyd Tucker, the director of education for STC, and he has asked me to do the presentation I did in Minneapolis as an STC web cast. Lloyd:Mike::Oprah:Dr. Phil? Who can say?

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