Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year--
And speaking of new year, the theme of the January issue of SIGCHI's magazine, Interactions, is "Help: User assistance and HCI." I have an article in that issue called "A pattern language for user assistance." I've posted a copy to my website, and you can link directly to that copy here.

I will be doing a presentation at the WritersUA conference in March on this same topic.

I have another article coming out next week in UXMatters. That article is called "User assistance in the role of domain expert." This is a topic I have discussed in this blog, and will include a practical example of a pattern language.

I will also writing a regular column for UXMatters called "User assistance: Putting Help in context." I will be drawing a lot from the material I experiment with in this blog (and benefitting from a GREAT editor, Pabini Gabriel-Petit).

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